株式会社 伊藤製作所 Ito Seisakusho Co.,Ltd.

Blitzkrieg 3

While I was asleep, they put the warehouse cleaned my tent


Presentation of the third part of "Blitzkrieg"


Nival office in St. Petersburg

Not so long ago, Nival invited us to St. Petersburg, where work on the third Blitzkrig was in full swing with might and main. Ten years have passed since the release of the previous part, but the strategies are now in fashion, and that the dust was decided to blow off the old but successful series, there is nothing surprising.

Another thing is surprising – in the third part, the emphasis is on multiplayer

Correspondence battles

The main feature of the Blitzkriga 3 multiplayer is that it does not require the simultaneous presence of both players online. The attacker and defender play two completely different games, still on the same map.

Anyone who defends is engaged exclusively with strategic planning: sets up fortifications, places troops, sets them with an angle of view and model of behavior – and then he simply waits for “guests”, doing his own affairs. In the language of Kevin McCallister, his business is to arrange traps and hide, and we, unlike the hero of the film “One Home”, can no longer influence the further process, only observe.

[[Bullet]] Aircraft need to indicate the zone on the map for which they will be responsible. If an enemy appears on it, the aircraft is “activated” and you will find it to protect it.

Further an attacker enters the game. Having hit the card created by the defender, he gains the army to his taste and tries to break the defense to get to the warehouse of resources and rob him from the heart. And or not it will make it already dependent on his ability to maneuver, and how competently the defense is planned, and, not the least, from luck – after all, the card is covered with fog of war, and if you pay too little attention to intelligence, you can already go down on the minefield or to ambush.

It will not work to beat the lost party – next time the Matchmaking system will select a completely different victim – so you will have to act with the mind at once.

On different sides of the front

The task is not easy for both parties, because the attacker never knows that he will wait (although he can roughly calculate by analyzing the level of development of the opponent and statistics), and the defender does not know how the opponent will move, and therefore is forced to spray forces, covering everything. directions at once. Or he can do the opposite: to calculate the most popular path and block only it, hoping that most aggressors are being killed there.

[Bullet]] of course, bridges are strategically important. A narrow place is much easier to protect.

But remember that the goal is not to destroy the enemy’s army, but to rob or protect warehouses with resources. It is in them that the success of the operation is measured, because in order to attack someone, some fuel and spare parts will have to be spent, and the income from the operation must compensate these costs.

[[Bullet]] competently planned defense will stop the enemy on long -term approaches.

Theoretically little prevents the top troops and crushing them with a low-level opponent, but in this case the victory simply will not pay off (and in practice this will probably not allow matchmaking). The highest aerobatics – with small forces, sneak up to the warehouse, ideally without even entering the shootings, and quietly take it out, laughing at the tank fist, struck the opposite angle of the map.

Another siege – and sleep

Gameplay "Blitzkriga 3" turned out to be very gambling. Each time, having broken his teeth about someone's defense, it is difficult to overcome the desire to immediately press “in battle!"And take the soul to someone who did not shut up all the holes so carefully. And vice versa-seeing in repetition, as someone literally with a whiling step passes all the fortifications and cleans the lovingly protected warehouse, I would like to put everything again so that the next insolent will certainly stumble on the starting line.

[Bullet]] Large and heavy guns turn around for a long time, so it is better to immediately direct them where, most likely, the enemy will come from.

So far, such network “Bidenia” is the basis of the game in which beta testers will begin to launch in the foreseeable future. But single campaigns will also appear to the release, as usual – strictly historical, or maybe we will also have a traditional multiplayer with two active players on the map.

It is planned to distribute Blitzkrieg exclusively in digit, but microsyles do not threaten us. On the network you can immediately play for free-if only on the premium account that increases the flow of resources from each operation, it makes sense to spend money. For money, the campaigns will be sold, which is actually equal to buying a game.

Dreaming is not harmful

Well, as the project develops, no doubt, skins for troops will appear, custom armies from different historical periods, or even tools for creating their own campaigns. However, it is too early to talk about it, these are not even plans, but just an estates for the future – what can be done if the game people like.

With maximum approximation, you can see how the men fuss on the map. And for the most observant, Easter ladies were prepared – soldiers smoking in the Tenochka and other funny little things.

But the prospects of rainbow are emerging-the gameplay really is seen unequivable, it will not be necessary to deal with the mechanics for a long time (during the press tour, even those who have not seen the previous parts of the “blitzkrieg” have mastered the game without any problems), and our second world player is very close.

In addition, no scandals with grotesque Russians are expected – the developers relate to historical reliability with proper liability.

We will wait?

Even if you have not seen the first parts of the Blitzkrieg, asynchronous battles are still worth it. Well, if you saw, then you already know everything.

Readiness percentage: 50%

Face to eye

After the presentation and a dozen friendly matches between journalists, we got the opportunity to ask about the game of the developers themselves. Project manager Petr Prokhorenko and Nival Marketing Director Sergei Galenkin answered our questions.

[[Bullet]] In the network game, three sides of the conflict is planned to choose from: USSR, allies and Germany. Each with its own unique set of troops.

The previous part of the Blitzkriga was released in 2005, the first-even in 2003. Since then, a lot of water has flowed and players have probably appeared who have never heard about the series. Please tell us in a nutshell – what is the series "Blitzkrieg"?

Peter Prokhorenko : "Blitzkrieg" is a real -time strategy about military history. First of all – the history of the Great Patriotic War. Games that show the second world from the "our" side are not so often released. That is why we first start in Russia and make a campaign about the USSR to talk about the war in more detail.

And “Blitzkrieg 3” is also a large modern online game with a multiplayer regime, which, in our opinion, will please both old fans of the series and new players, allowing them to find contact points with each other.

[[Bullet]] "Blitzkrieg 3" – The game is not about microcontrol, but about planning. The main thing is to set the task correctly, and then it remains to just observe how the troops fulfill it.

Why did you choose such an unusual PVP mode – asynchronous? Why not traditional?

Peter Prokhorenko : The network mode was both in the first and second "blitzkrieg", but I did not use it with particular popularity. Since we developed both parts, we are aware of all statistics, and, according to our data, only 10-15% of players played the multiplayer, no more. Alas, ordinary battles with each other are interesting to a very insignificant part of the audience.

Therefore, for the third part, we came up with a network mode, which can become a massive. We expect that much more people will play asynchronous PVP – at least because he is more humane to the player. It does not require simultaneous stay online, it allows you to go into the game for five minutes, only Pyramid Spins sister sites in order to change the arrangement of the troops in defense, it eliminates all possible problems with the match-makeing-after all, there are no queues in it. There are thousands of unique bases in the game at the same time, each of which can be attacking. It becomes easier for us and players.

[[Bullet]] Patriotic developers want to start with the campaign for the Soviet Union. But if the game goes well, we are waiting for many more different scenarios.

We already know about how it will look for players: one is building defense, and the second attacks. And what will happen between the battles?

Sergey Galenkin : Each player at the beginning of the game receives his own base, where he will build buildings: factories for the production of tanks, huts for infantry training. This base does not participate in the battles, but continuously, with the course of real time, brings a certain number of resources – the more, the better it is developed. These resources are spent on further development, the purchase of troops and other vital things, and it is in their accumulation that the main task is. More resources can be obtained by robbing the bases of other players – one who plays well and actively and develops faster. The one whose defense is often hacked is slower. And the process can also be accelerated by paying for the subscription: players with premium accounts will save resources faster.

As the levels are set and improve his command center, the player will gain access to new, larger cards with a large number of space for placement of equipment, and will also discover new, more advanced troops.

We won’t let the fights of low -level players immediately play heavy tanks – these are small groups of troops on small maps. At the early stage of development, the player is not yet ready to take control of a large number of units. But as progress grows, the army will grow, and with it – and the variety of tactical capabilities both in the attack and in defense.

And the subscription simply accelerates this process, gives a higher speed of progress.

[[Bullet]] Sometimes it is more profitable to retreat than to fight to the last tank – save resources.

What will monetization look like? What can be bought?

Sergey Galenkin : We will sell a campaign for a single game, as well as the aforementioned subscription. And, in fact, that's it. No micallors that allow you to get an advantage in battle, we do not have.

Will there be a traditional PVP mode at all?

Peter Prokhorenko : Let's say this: we do not completely refuse him. But we will not promise anything, since now there are more priority tasks. We are now trying to develop two directions in the multiplayer at once. Firstly, this is support for modders and card builders: the game is developed on Unity, which already greatly makes life easier for creators of modifications, plus we are constantly developing tools for creating cards.

Secondly, this is the regime of clan battles, already for a narrower and hardcore audience. But work on it has just begun, we have to discuss it for a long time with representatives of the audience itself in order to make it the players want to see it.

Well, of course, no one cancels the further development of the main regimes – asynchronous PVP and single campaigns.

[[Bullet]] The plane flies over the battlefield not forever, it is quite possible to lure it on a lonely soldier and wait until it flies to the refueling. But each round is limited in time, so the tactics does not always work.

If possible, about the latter a little more. Do we understand that not one large campaign awaits us, as in the first part, but many smaller scenarios?

Peter Prokhorenko : Yes, each campaign is some specific episode of war, which will be covered in the most detail and historically reliably. The campaigns will consist of approximately 10-12 missions united by a common plot and entourage to show each military operation in all details. Remember what the game "Stalingrad" looked like, which, in fact, was all devoted to one battle? So in the Blitzkrig 3, the campaigns will be something like that, only there will be many of them and about different episodes of the war.

At what stage of development is the game now?

Sergey Galenkin : At the moment we are in pre-alpha, by the end of the year we will launch the buried alpha. And next year we will already go out into open beta, completely playable. Plus, next year, the first single -user campaigns will appear, at least one – Soviet.

Not ten years have passed between the second and third part of the Blitzkrig. Where did such a big break come from and why did you decide to suddenly revive the series?

Sergey Galenkin : There are two reasons for, and both are associated with market fluctuations. Firstly, in the strategies genre there was a period of stagnation: the console developed and gained the popularity of the console, and more and more people played on the gamepad. And the input device, by and large, dictates the genre of the game produced, because it is inconvenient to control the strategy from the gamepad, and therefore they practically stopped releasing them.

Secondly, business models have changed on the market. At some point, the retail sale has already actually died, and the digital has not yet managed to form. During this period, the pirates and the new model-Free-to-Play dominated, and the companies had to adapt. But for Free-to-Play strategies, again, it does not fit very well.

But now interest in strategies is gradually returning – not least due to the development of tablet devices. In addition, Steam gained momentum, which was not so developed a couple of years ago. So, in our opinion, now the most successful time to release the strategy.

And by the way, we are not alone. In parallel with us and other companies began to revive strategic series. It seems that the genre is waiting for a new flowering.

Threesides – In the network game, three sides of the conflict are planned to choose from: USSR, allies and Germany. Each with its own unique set of troops.

Charge – "" Blitzkrieg 3 " – the game is not about microcontrol, but about planning. The main thing is to set the task correctly, and then it remains to just observe how the troops fulfill it.

SOVIT – Patriotic developers want to start with a campaign for the Soviet Union. But if the game goes well, we are waiting for many more different scenarios.

Defeat – It is sometimes more profitable to retreat than to fight to the last tank – save resources.

Bombard – The plane flies over the battlefield not forever, it is quite possible to lure it on a lonely soldier and wait until it flies to the refueling. But each round is limited in time, so the tactics does not always work.
